Occupational Therapy Services
Our team provides a diverse range of support solutions and services to achieve your goals.
Occupational Therapy (Aust) is supporting participants of the following national schemes, and many more.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (also called the NDIS) is the new way of providing support to Australians with disability, and their families and carers.
NDIS will provide Australians under the age of 65 who have a permanent and significant disability with support they need.
People with disability will get greater flexibility and choice of supports and services to meet their individual needs.
Sourced from vic.gov.au
The Department of Veterans' Affairs is a department of the Government of Australia, established in 1976, and charged with the responsibility of delivering government programs for war veterans, members of the Australian Defence Force, members of the Australian Federal Police, and their dependants.
Specialist disability accommodation (SDA) is a range of housing designed for people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.
SDA dwellings have accessible features to help residents live more independently and allow other supports to be delivered better or more safely.
Sourced from ndis.gov.au
Occupational Therapy Services
Activities of Daily Living Assessment and Intervention
We provides an individual home visit service to assess your need for assistance, for any activity to do with daily living. We can discuss your ability to look after yourself in all areas of self-care (mobilising, showering, toileting, dressing), domestic tasks (cleaning and getting out into the community. Intervention recommended may include: assistive technology equipment, personal assistance or graded skill development with our Therapist.
Behaviour Management and EFT Tapping
Using a Positive Approach to Wellness, addressing Physical, Emotional and Spiritual needs.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping) improves your state of being on all levels. EFT uses the ancient technique of listening to Your own body by balancing your body energy meridians, with a gentle “tapping” on particular body points. With our guidance, you are able to safely process and move into a “Positive” state of energy within; affecting improved quality of life in task Achievement.
Home Visits
We are a home visiting therapy service provider, and our team will book an appointment to visit your home, workplace or consult with you online.
It is from the home where we are most accurately able to develop an understanding of your needs and provide the most accurate and suitable recommendations.
Home Modifications
A combined three decades of experience in Assessing, Recommending and Managing all aspects of Home Modifications.
Whether you require a simple grab rail in the shower, a ramp at the front door, stepless entry shower or a fully wheelchair accessible home.
Workplace Rehabilitation
Delivering workplace rehabilitation services to help injured workers return to work. We have the qualifications, experience and expertise to provide assistance to Workers under Comcare and Worksafe Victoria.
Workstation Erganomics Workshop & Training
Recommending safe use of Computer Workstations individually or in business groups as Staff Training.
If you are designing a new computer task area in your workplace, or you are managing injuries that are having an impact on how you safely do your work tasks; ergonomic setup will positively assist.